reflection of April 16th's class
Last Saturday we talked about the barriers why we can't implement oppositional reading. One of the reasons is irrelevance. Current curriculum mainly focused on increasing the score especially in the viewpoint of owner of Hagwon or parents (sometimes students). When we try to use oppositional reading, they might think it's irrelevant to the current learning materials. As getting higher graders I think there is definite neccessity of oppositional reading, which makes students think in English and their English competitive or productive.
One of solution is that we can use students' background knowledge and of course we should prepare the material in advance. In doing so, students will be engaged in the class. Secondly, teachers give students freedom to choose what they want among several choices activities. Students might choose the the activity that is one of their interest most and they are able to be involved well. Thirdly teachers need to choose the right material for students. Topics that are included in the regular curriculum can be connected outside world and there's no need too academic nor light. One day one of my student suggested to use colorful "Around the world", which interested her in stead of studying all boring grammar classes. Using such kind of books I can connect to multiculture or humanity, equality, racism,human trafficking and so on, which makes students think critically.